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Learning Support - SEND

Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) Information

Here at Smithdon HIgh School we believe that it is of utmost importance that students with SEND receive support and the correct provision. We have an excellent team of Learning Support Assistants (LSAs) to support students’ learning in the classroom and in small group interventions.

Planning for transition is a part of our provision for all learners with SEND and we work closely with all our feeder schools and beyond, as early as possible, to gain information on our SEND students. We will also use KS2 data, reading ages, spelling ages and reports from other professionals who have involvement with the student to build a clear picture of each student’s need. We also conduct our own assessments to establish our students’ needs and to identify support and interventions.

At Smithdon High School we want all our students to succeed and to feel part of the school community where everyone is valued equally. Furthermore, Smithdon High School is committed to working in partnership with our SEND families and other providers to ensure positive transitions occur and that we build on previous successes.

Our teaching staff are trained to adapt lessons so that every child is able to learn at their own pace and in their own way, especially for students with SEND from Specific Learning Difficulties (including dyslexia) and Autistic Spectrum conditions to speech, language and communication needs and behavioural, emotional and social difficulties. 

Progress is carefully and regularly tracked by the SEND team and we use our best endeavours to ensure that student’s needs are identified and met as early as possible. If the SENDCo, teacher, parent or child themself identifies that the student has a special educational need, we will investigate the best way to support the student. This may include interventions that are additional to or different from those provided as part of the school’s usual differentiated curriculum offer and strategies. Following consultation with parents, we may also put additional, specific and targeted interventions in place.

If, in spite of interventions and additional support, a student is still not making sufficient progress in their learning and/or development, a request for help from external services could be made - again this would be done in consultation with parents.  If a student continues to cause concern or does not appear to be making any progress, an application for an Education Health and Care Plan may be considered.

If you would like more information please do contact the SENDCo directly, look through our full SEND pages here on the website and have a look at our full SEN information report:

See our full SEN Information Report here

Norfolk SEND Local Offer:

SENDCo contact details:

Main school number:

Direct dial: 


Rachel Bazeley-Smith

01485 534541

01485 536113