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The Head Students Welcome You to Smithdon High School

On behalf of the student body, we would like to wish you a warm welcome to Smithdon High School. For those new to the area, potential students and parents we would like to thank you for taking an interest in our fantastic school.


On behalf of Smithdon High School, I would like to welcome you to our friendly community. First of all, I know that moving from Primary to Secondary school is a huge change, and I understand that nervous feeling! Smithdon just wants to support you every step of the way, so you can make the most out of your Smithdon journey.

I have been a student at Smithdon since year 7, and I have had first-hand experience with the support that Smithdon provides to all students. There is a wide range of clubs, theatre practices, music lessons and booster sessions, which can be helpful when trying to make new friends and settle down at school.

Smithdon is a small, accepting and welcoming community full of people who are ready to support each other, and teachers show genuine care for their students. At our school, you will find all different members of staff with different roles, including Assistant Headteachers, Pastoral Managers and Subject teachers, whose main goal is to create a safe, supportive environment for all students to be able to grow, develop and learn for the five years they are here.

As head student, I love being a student at this school, and hope you can all have a brilliant time here, just like I have so far. I feel proud to be called a student at Smithdon High School.

I look forward to seeing some of you!


Hello, my name is Isaac, and I would like to welcome you all to our school on behalf of all of our students and staff.

I understand that many of you are nervous about moving from primary school to secondary school as I felt that way myself, and it is a very different experience to your education up to now, but not in a bad way.

Having attended the school for four years, I have got to know all of the staff and students at Smithdon. Each and every one of them are welcoming and want you to have a positive experience here. The staff are all very supportive and dedicated to their students, with many of them offering revision sessions after school for Year 11s in their own time.

We also offer many clubs and co-curricular activities for students, such as sports clubs and music lessons which will make your time here even more enjoyable. Anyone can join these clubs, meaning even if you just want to try it out you can, and it might even lead on to even bigger opportunities in the future.

I hope you will enjoy your time working in our community here at school. I want you all to know that you can come to me for help if you ever need it and that I will make the transition from primary school to secondary school as smooth as possible for you. I look forward to seeing each and every one of you, and I also wish you good luck for your education.