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At Smithdon High School we are proud of our students’ presentation and schoolwear. We believe that wearing a uniform is a badge of pride: it is part of our school identity and allows students to feel part of our strong community. By wearing our uniform correctly our students are all presented equally and can begin to understand the importance of respect within an organisation.

Please find details below regarding our Smithdon school uniform. Our school blazer, tie, skirt, shorts and jumper are purchased through our online supplier, Price and Buckland. All other items can be purchased from regular school suppliers.

Please read our clear expectations carefully beforehand to ensure that money is not wasted on items that will not be accepted. If you are at all unsure or have any questions please do get in touch.

You will also find a list of equipment in this section: all students are expected to bring the basic equipment with them every day. There are also some recommended items that students may find useful.

If you need financial support in purchasing school uniform and/or supplies please contact the school finance office who will be happy to give advice and support.


  • Navy blazer with school badge embroidered on the breast pocket (from school supply) must be worn at all times around the school site. Blazers may be removed in classrooms with the class teacher’s permission. In hot weather, the Headteacher may give permission for no blazers needed.
  • School ‘clip-on’ tie (from school supply).
  • Grey full-length tailored trousers** – no jeans, chinos, cords, skinny trousers, leggings or jeggings - with plain black socks that come up over the ankle. Trousers must be loose at the ankle (trousers can be purchased from school supply but this is not a requirement)
  • Compulsory unmodified school skirt (from school supply), with plain tights or black socks.
  • Compulsory unmodified school tailored shorts (from our online supplier Price and Buckland), with plain tights or black socks may be worn between Easter and October Half term.
  • Plain white formal shirt (stiff collared, buttoned to collar and tucked in).
  • Optional school jumper (to be worn underneath the blazer and over the shirt and tie) - navy PE sweatshirt (or GCSE PE non-hooded top) is permitted for this purpose.
  • Plain, black, polishable, leather school shoes, providing adequate protection and support in a variety of school environments (no casuals, fabric, canvas, trainers, sandals, sling backs, pumps, high heels, coloured laces, coloured stitching, logos)
  • Students should have an outdoor coat for travel to/from school and transitions around school (but this is not compulsory).
  • No other sweatshirts, hooded sweatshirts, denim or leather jackets.
  • If a belt needs to be worn (through belt loops), it must be plain black without motifs, embellishments or decoration. Belt buckles must be plain.
  • Hijab, abaya, prayer cap, turban, patka (if worn): plain matt black or grey.
  • PE Kit consists of a red t-shirt with school badge, navy shorts, navy sweatshirt with school badge (all from school supply) and white sports socks.


** Trousers deemed appropriate by Smithdon High School are available for purchase via our website. School trousers can be purchased from other suppliers. However, if the trousers worn by a student are considered unsuitable or inappropriate and a suitable alternative cannot be sourced from elsewhere, parents/carers will be directed to buy the trousers we have available through our website.

The school reserves the right to make the final decision on the suitability and/or appropriateness of the school trousers worn by Smithdon students.


  • Piercings – no visible body/facial piercings including tongue piercings, nose piercings and ear ‘tunnels’ are to be worn: this includes the wearing of clear (or other) retainers.
  • One small pair of plain stud earrings may be worn but must be removed to allow students to participate in PE.
  • Please do not allow your child to have a piercing done during term time.
  • No rings, necklaces or bracelets are to be worn (medical necklace/bracelets are allowed).
  • Students may wear a traditional wristwatch - Smart watches, including Fitbits, etc. are not permitted (unless medical evidence is provided).


  • Light make-up may be worn but must be discreet and natural.
  • No false, unnatural eyelashes.
  • Hair may not be dyed bright or ‘unnatural colours’, shaved or stylised in a distracting way.
  • No nail varnish.
  • Acrylic/Gel/Nexgen nails or tips are not allowed in school. This is a Health & Safety risk.


Every day students must be prepared to learn with the correct basic equipment: School bag, black pen, pencil, ruler, rubber. They may also find coloured pencils useful. For Maths lessons a compass and protractor will be required.

A scientific calculator is now a compulsory piece of school equipment and students are required to have one with them at all times.

Students are expected to have their Smithdon Way booklet, Knowledge Organiser (Yrs7-9), 50 Questions Booklet (Yrs10-11), and Timetable with them at all times.

Students are also expected to have a reading book with them at all times.

Purchasing School Uniform 

Please click on the link below to purchase the required school uniform from our online supplier, Price and Buckland.

Price and Buckland

Alternatively, please click here to view the Price and Buckland Online Ordering Booklet.

School ties can still be purchased from our school shop by clicking here.

Learner Support Fund - Application for Uniform Assistance 

The Learner Support Fund is a discretionary source of financial help available to all registered full-time Academy students. The aim of the Fund is to help students who have difficulties paying for certain items necessary to facilitate their education, and the purchasing of school uniform is one of those items.

If you think you may be eligible for the Learner Support Fund to purchase school uniform from our online supplier, Price and Buckland, then please click the link below to download the criteria and the application form:

Learner Support Application Form - Uniform Only

For further information and assistance on other areas of eligibility, please contact the school direct on 01485 534541