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Rewards and Celebrations

At Smithdon, our focus is on the positive and especially ‘catching the students being great’ – and then acknowledging those moments, however big or small they may be, for each individual child.

As a result, we have a clear rewards policy that is applied not only in lessons but also on and around the school site at all times, and any member of staff can issue a reward to a student. These rewards also apply to regular attendance at school and can also be issued for involvement in co-curricular activities and/or representing the school at the many events we run at the school or take part in within the local community. See the rewards policy table here.

Half termly R3 postcards are also awarded to students for their hard working in lessons, contributions to the school community and achievements both within lessons and in co-curricular clubs. Students who achieve all 6 postcards throughout the year can enter into a draw to win a big prize as a reward for their fantastic achievements.

We are also keen to celebrate our students’ successes, both within school and their activities outside of school. These are identified in our newsletters; our weekly assemblies and also our numerous awards ceremonies and celebrations throughout the year. In particular, these include (but are not limited to):

  • Termly extended Celebration Assemblies for each individual year group, celebrating attendance, rewards points totals to date and subject-specific successes
  • Official end of year Awards Ceremonies
  • GCSE Awards Evening
  • Duke of Edinburgh’s Awards Presentation Evening
  • Sports Awards Evening