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Advice for Self Isolating Students

Maintaining a work routine and continuation of your education.

Whilst you are absent from school it is important that you try to maintain some sort of routine and a continuation of your education. To this effect we will be posting some work for you to do and suggest some websites and books that you could use.

In the first instance you should spend an hour a day reading. This could be your school book, a book you have at home, a book you have got from the library or a book you read online.

You should also spend an hour a day on maths practice. If you are in year 7 or 8 this would be using MyMaths, for students in years 9,10 and 11 you would use Hegarty Maths

Over time your teachers will start to post work for other subjects on Show My Homework. You can access this using your school gmail login.

Students in years 9,10 and 11 also have access to GCSEPOD.  Short videos for most subjects can be found here. You are free to access whichever you would like but you may also be set some specific ones to watch by your teachers. A parent’s introduction to GCSEPOD can be found here.

To support you with your education we also recommend

Revision guides, Workbooks and Resources

For Key Stage 4 students your teachers have recommended some revision guides, workbooks and resources that will be of use. Information about these will be posted here.

GCSEpod, is a web based tool  to support learning and revision. Our students have access to this resource and  information on  how to log in can be found here