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A World-class Education is Achievable within West Norfolk

It’s been another great  year for West Norfolk Academies Trust
with its schools recording impressive GCSE and GCE results – and  Smithdon High School is one of them

In October 2018 the KL magazine paid tribute to  West Norfolk Academies Trust,  showcasing the trusts  successes which highlighted the achievements of Smithdon High School.

The students at Smithdon Highs School this year achieved a record number of GCSE Level 4 passes and above in English and Maths –no less than 67% of students achieved this standard, beating the school’s previous record of 65% which had been set the previous year. There was even more good news at Smithdon with significant increases in the number of students achieving passes at Level 5,
Level 7, and Level 9. Thus showing great progression.

But, it is not only the students that have improved this year at Smithdon  but the building and facilities within this  Grade 2* Listed Building have recently undergone a major refurbishment programme via the trust which has bought about a new sense of optimism and the start of a new era.

If you would like to read the full article published in the KL magazine please click on the links below:

KL Magazine - October 2018