West Norfolk pianists show off their skills
Young pianists from our school joined others from the West Norfolk Academy Trust to showcase their musical accomplishments at a recital featuring music ranging from classical to pop.
The Cross-Trust Piano Recital brought together 18 pianists from the four high schools – Marshland, St Clement’s, Smithdon and Springwood – for the evening performance that took place at Springwood in King’s Lynn.
Aged from 11 to 18, the soloists performed pieces that ran the gamut of musical genres, from Rachmaninoff through pop music and the Wallace and Gromit theme tune, to a full house of family, friends, fellow students, and members of the public.
“The beauty of this event is it caters for pianists of all standards,” said Robin Norman, who is Head of Music at the trust and Springwood.
“We did not just have accomplished pianists taking part – we had some students who have only been learning a little over three months and were playing their first solo piece in front of an audience, then we progressed through the different levels of accomplishment, all the way through to a student who has now been having lessons for over five years.”
Mr Norman continued: “This will be taking place again next year, along with our first cross-trust ‘Battle of the Bands’ and a cross-trust vocal evening featuring solo singers from all our schools.
“At Springwood and across the Trust, we value opportunities such as these, as it gives everyone an opportunity to enjoy their music and share their enjoyment with others, whatever their level of experience.
“By watching their peers who have been learning the instrument for a longer period, the inspirational and aspirational effect is huge, and it is lovely to see the students congratulating each other and showing real camaraderie.
“Enjoyment for the performer and enjoyment for the audience member – this is what music is all about.”